KCSE 2023 Computer Studies Project: Maringo Sports Club System
Instructions to candidates (a) Candidates are expected to use a Database Management System when developing their projects. (b) A soft copy of the work done must be stored in a removable storage medium (CD-R/CD-RW). (c) Your name and index number should appear on the cover page of your documentation and on the storage medium. (d) Each candidate should hand in a hard copy and a soft copy of the project documentation. (e) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
QuestionMaringo Sports Club was formed by Maringo County with the
intention of developing talent among the youths within the county in various
The club enrols youths of ages 12 to 35 years for any of the
activities offered. The games offered include: swimming, hockey, lawn tennis,
table tennis, darts, badminton, volleyball, basketball, netball, football,
baseball, rugby, pool, chess, and draft.
During registration, the youths are required to provide the
following details: full name, gender, next of kin, date of birth, contact
details, sub-counties, school or college, various games of interest (in order
of priority) and other details such as weight, height, and special needs. The
youths can be enrolled as a group through their schools, colleges, or religious
organisations and may also enrol as individuals.
Individual membership fee is Kshs. 1,000 and groups are required
to pay a membership fee of Kshs. 500 per person.
The enrolled members are categorised into three groups namely:
the minors consisting of members who are of ages 12 to 17 years, the middle
group who are of ages 18 to 25 years and the seniors who are of ages 26 to 35
The sports club offers various sporting items at a fee and the
items are available at the club’s store. A member can purchase any of the items
by cash or mobile money transfer. The items include:
If a member purchases items of a value exceeding Kshs. 10,000, a discount of 5% is offered.The store clerk is required to maintain records of the items sold and the stock in the store. If the stock level of any item drops to 20% of its maximum stock level, the clerk is expected to alert the club management to re-order the item.
Each game has a patron whose duties include facilitating events within the club and with other external teams. If a team is required to play against an external team, each member in the team is required to pay a facilitation fee of Kshs. 500. The patron is paid 20% of the total facilitation fee as commission.
The patron is also responsible for selecting a game captain from the members. The captain is responsible for collecting and returning various sports equipment from the store to facilitate the game. In case of any loss or damage to the equipment, the captain and the team members are surcharged at the market value of the equipment plus 10% of the value.
Develop a well-documented computerised system for the club’s transactions that would be able to:
1) Maintain details of the club members and their roles;
2) Maintain details of sports in the club;
3) Maintain records of items in the store;
4) Maintain records of items purchased and their subsequent stock levels;
5) Maintain records of all facilitation fees for all sports events;
6) Compute each of the following:
a) total membership fee;
b) discounted prices;
c) total amount for items bought;
d) surcharged fee for lost or damaged equipment;
e) facilitation fee;
f) patrons’ commission;
g) total income for the club.
7) Generate appropriate reports.
Maringo Sports Club was formed by Maringo County with the
intention of developing talent among the youths within the county in various
The club enrols youths of ages 12 to 35 years for any of the
activities offered. The games offered include: swimming, hockey, lawn tennis,
table tennis, darts, badminton, volleyball, basketball, netball, football,
baseball, rugby, pool, chess, and draft.
During registration, the youths are required to provide the
following details: full name, gender, next of kin, date of birth, contact
details, sub-counties, school or college, various games of interest (in order
of priority) and other details such as weight, height, and special needs. The
youths can be enrolled as a group through their schools, colleges, or religious
organisations and may also enrol as individuals.
Individual membership fee is Kshs. 1,000 and groups are required
to pay a membership fee of Kshs. 500 per person.
The enrolled members are categorised into three groups namely:
the minors consisting of members who are of ages 12 to 17 years, the middle
group who are of ages 18 to 25 years and the seniors who are of ages 26 to 35
The sports club offers various sporting items at a fee and the items are available at the club’s store. A member can purchase any of the items by cash or mobile money transfer. The items include:
The store clerk is required to maintain records of the items sold and the stock in the store. If the stock level of any item drops to 20% of its maximum stock level, the clerk is expected to alert the club management to re-order the item.
Each game has a patron whose duties include facilitating events within the club and with other external teams. If a team is required to play against an external team, each member in the team is required to pay a facilitation fee of Kshs. 500. The patron is paid 20% of the total facilitation fee as commission.
The patron is also responsible for selecting a game captain from the members. The captain is responsible for collecting and returning various sports equipment from the store to facilitate the game. In case of any loss or damage to the equipment, the captain and the team members are surcharged at the market value of the equipment plus 10% of the value.
Develop a well-documented computerised system for the club’s transactions that would be able to:
1) Maintain details of the club members and their roles;
2) Maintain details of sports in the club;
3) Maintain records of items in the store;
4) Maintain records of items purchased and their subsequent stock levels;
5) Maintain records of all facilitation fees for all sports events;
6) Compute each of the following:
a) total membership fee;
b) discounted prices;
c) total amount for items bought;
d) surcharged fee for lost or damaged equipment;
e) facilitation fee;
f) patrons’ commission;
g) total income for the club.
7) Generate appropriate reports.