I designed two versions of this project - one without VBA code and one with VBA code hence the two videos.
KCSE 2018 Computer Studies Project: Golden Wall School Inventory System
Instructions to candidates
(a) Candidates are expected to use a Database Management System when developing their projects.
(b) A soft copy of the work done must be stored in a removable storage medium (CD-R/CD-RW).
(c) Your name and index number should appear on the cover page of your documentation and on the storage medium.
(d) Each candidate should hand in a hard copy and a soft copy of the project documentation.
(e) Candidates should answer the questions in English.
Wall School is a school in the country. The school administration stringently
maintains an account for all the resources owned by the school using a laid
down procedure.
of departments and sections in the school are responsible for making
requisition orders using official requisition forms. The forms are then
forwarded to the principal for validation and approval.
the orders are approved, communication is made to the suppliers to deliver the
items. Those orders which are not approved are dropped all together or differed
to the next order session.
orders are received from a supplier, the store clerk verifies the quantities
and quality of the items delivered. The store clerk then records accurately the
quantity, type of item, supplier details and date of delivery. The
discrepancies in terms of quantity and quality or damage on the items delivered
are recorded for a follow up.
goods are recorded in a general journal book and items moved to the store.
Details from the journal are then transferred to three types of inventory
a) The
permanent inventory where items which do not perish and are re-borrowable such
as computers are recorded.
b) The
expandable inventory where items which are not perishable but used once such as
exercise books are recorded.
c) The
consumable inventory where items which are perishable and used once such as
chemicals are recorded.
items such as text books are to be issued to a large population of students at
a go, the teacher in charge is delegated with the responsibility of issuing the
items and records returned to the store. Teachers are also issued with items
for their personal use directly from the store.
items recorded in the permanent inventory books are expected to be returned to
the store by the end of the duration borrowed. Those who fail to return the
items are notified. The items that are not returned within the duration of
borrowing are considered lost. A penalty of 20% of the market value is computed
and added to the cost of the item. The bill generated is handed over to the
concerned person.
store clerk regularly monitors the stock levels of items. When a stock item is
running low, the concerned teacher is notified to make a reorder.
a well-documented database system that would be able to perform the following:
a) Capture:
all details of teachers and students in
the school
Details of suppliers
Stock of items in the school
Requisition orders
b) Maintain:
records of items in the store in their
respective categories
Records of items issued and returned
Records of approved and deferred orders
List of items to be reordered
c) Compute
penalties of lost items
d) Generate
appropriate reports
Thoughts about this project
Read my introduction to the project here. I have outlined what I think is required of candidates.