An Overview of Maringo Sports Club System KCSE Project + DOWNLOAD LINK


The 2023 KCSE Computer Studies Project (451/3) has been out for a while now. As usual, candidates are required to complete the project in 7 months.

This year's project is titled ‘Maringo Sports Club System’. Candidates are required to develop a well-documented database system for a sports club system established by Maringo County to nurture talent among the county’s youth in various games/sports activities.

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Candidates are expected to submit their progress twice - the first milestone MUST be completed and scores keyed in by 21st April, 2023 and the second milestone similarly by 31st July, 2023.

A candidate’s second milestone should be seen to be building on the first milestone. There is no particular point in project development that has been specified to demarcate as the first milestone, it is entirely up to individual candidates to decide wisely.

Club membership

Maringo Sports Club members can be registered as individuals/individually or through registered groups. Members who enrol individually pay a membership of Kshs. 1,000 /= while registered groups pay Kshs. 500/= for each member of the group. Schools, colleges and religious organisations can register as groups.

Registered members are categorised into three (3) groups namely, the minors consisting of members aged between 12 and 17 years, the middle group consisting of members aged between 18 to 25 years; and the seniors consisting of members aged between 26 and 35 years.

Club sports activities and events

The club offers various games/activities such as swimming, hockey, lawn tennis, table tennis, darts, badminton, volleyball, football, rugby, chess etc. Each game/activity has a patron whose duties include facilitating events within the club and events/matches/competitions against external teams. The patron is also responsible for selecting a game/activity captain from among the members.

Whenever a Maringo Sports Club team is required to play against an external team, each member in the team is required to pay a facilitation fee of Kshs. 500. The game/activity patron is paid a commission of 20% of the total facilitation fees.

To facilitate events, event game captains are responsible for collecting and returning various sports equipment that may be required.

Sporting items - Sale & issuance by the club

Maringo Sports Club stocks various sporting items for sale and issuance (to be returned) to team captains for use during external club events. Purchases can be made via cash or mobile money transfer. The Sports Club offers members a 5% discount for purchases exceeding Kshs. 10,000 in value.

Sales and issuance records are maintained by the store clerk.  In case of any loss or damage to issued sporting items, a captain and his/her members are surcharged at 110% of the lost/damaged item’s market value. It is important to note that the club-listed price of an item may be different from its market value.

Sporting items -purchases by the club

Besides maintaining records of sales, issuance and return of sporting items, the club store clerk monitors stock levels of items.

Once an item’s stock level drops to 20% (and below) of its maximum stock level, the store clerk alerts the club management to re-order the item. This means that the store clerk is also responsible for maintaining records of item purchases. 

Key components of Maringo Sports Club System Project

a)    Members, groups & staff

  • Ø  The system should be able to store details of club members, groups and staff.
  • Ø Once these details are captured, the system should be able to compute the total membership fees and generate appropriate reports such as members interested in each sports activity/game, group/individual membership members, etc.

b)    Club activities/games and external events

  • Ø  The system should be able to store details of sports activities (games) offered by the club and external events in which the members of the club participate.
  • Ø  Once the above details are captured, the system should be able to compute facilitation fees for external events, the commission payable to the activity/game patron etc.

c)    Sporting items

  • Ø  The system should be able to store details of sporting items stocked by the club, item purchases, item sales and issued items.
  • Ø  Once the above details are captured, the system should be able to compute the total sales made, discounts offered, real-time stock levels, fees surcharged for lost or damaged sporting items etc.

d)   Reports

  • Ø  The system should be able to generate various appropriate reports mostly based on the system’s computation capabilities.
  • Ø  The reports range from simple lists of members and sports activities to complex reports such as stock levels and monthly/annual club income reports. 


This project is fairly open-ended and presents an opportunity for flexibility in design and data-processing approaches.  Candidates who have a preference for or good knowledge of certain sporting activities for instance can center their projects around those particular sporting activities to develop stellar systems.

To develop this project, you’ll need:

  • A database management system:  Recommended - Microsoft Access 2010 or higher. MS Access 2010 has some important features not available in Ms Access 2007 such as calculated fields in tables.
  • Solid planning: Candidates should take their time to visualize what they want their systems to look like thus develop a roadmap starting with the basics. Even with a plan, one will meet a few obstacles but with a plan, will be able to go back and make corrections. The starting point should be coming up with basic tables and queries.
  • Security and backups: this can be achieved through password-protecting the database as well as regularly backing it up. Backups of the database should be made regularly especially prior to making significant prior design changes. Copies of the password-protected project at various stages can also be stored on a backup storage device/service e.g., a flash drive, CD-RW/DVD-RW disc, Google Drive, DropBox etc. 

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